(paradoxalement-parlant@blogger) → everybody's changing and I don't feel the same v 4.0

jeudi 28 mai 2009

Japanese food overdose~

Hello ~

Yeah, today I ate a lot of maki california as you can see in the picture haha 8D I love japanese food, raw fish is sooooo good espescially salmon ♥ Tomorrow I have PE T_T *DEAD* I'll be exhausted like hell, I hate running !! This sucks è_é I'm searching for German penpal XD I emailed some people in a penpal site, hoping that they will reply :D
I need to improve this language by all means ~ !

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2 commentaires:

Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Aww, salmon! <3 I'm starting to love it! XD
It looks so delicious, you make me hungry!!!


29 mai 2009 à 13:39  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Nous on fouot plus rien en sport depuis 2 semaines :') 'Fin c'est ping-pong mais si tu veux venir en jean t'as l'droit :3


30 mai 2009 à 19:50  

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